Plant Life Designs
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Welcome to our landscaping blog where we provide tips and ideas to create a beautiful outdoor space. Our team of experts has years of experience in the industry and we are passionate about designing functional and visually appealing landscapes. Whether you’re a seasoned landscaper or a beginner, our blog has something for everyone. Read more to learn about landscaping tips and topics!

June at Plant Life Design’s Test Garden
New Plant Introductions for 2020!
Calycanthus 'Aphrodite' Aphordite SweetshrubFruity FragranceAttracts Butterflies, Pollinators and HummingbirdsMoist, Well-DrainedDry Prairie PlantHeight: 4-6'Width: 6-8'Blooms MayZone 5-9Full Sun to Part Shade $50 each5 gal Heptacodium miconiodies 'SMHMRF' Temple of...
Top recommendations for high performing plants that thrive during the hot, humid Iowa summers!
Allium 'Summer Beauty'(Summer Beauty Onion)Persistent narrow foliage. Flowers mid-summer. Seeds sterile. Does not spread. Deer, rabbit, drought resistant.Height: 12 - 18"Width: 18 - 24"Light: SunSoil: DryFlower Color: PurpleBloom Time: July, August 'Summer Beauty...
Super Blue English Lavender
Fragrant gray-green foliage and rich, deep-blue flower spikes on short stems 10 Flat $50.00 Height: 8-12"Width: 12-18"Soil Conditions: DryFlower Color: BlueBloom Time: May, June, July
Dilly Cucumber Bites
Credit: Flying on Jess Fuel Ingredients: 4 large cucumbers 2 - 3 medium plum tomatoes 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature 5.3 oz plain Greek yogurt 3 T fresh dill, minced 1 T powdered Ranch dressing mix Instructions: Wash and partially peel cucumbers for striped look....
Plant Life Designs’ Moon Garden Kit
The name of July’s Full Buck Moon comes from the Native Americans who honor this time of year when deer begin to grow their antlers. Just as deer typically forage between dusk and dawn, it is most desirable for the ‘human’ garden lovers to be outdoors under the summer...
A Cardinal Drink on the 4th of July
Makes one drink Need: Light bodied red wine, lightly chilled Ice 1 Tablespoon crème de cassis Blueberries (for holiday color) Slice of lime or sprig of crushed basil Pour the red wine over ice and blueberries. Top with the crème de cassis. Garnish with a slice of lime...
Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Viette’s Little Suzy’
Little Suzy Black-eyed Susan 1 gallon size Celebrate the Summer Solstice by adding perennial sunshine to your landscape! This compact and free-flowering Black Eyed Susan, Viette's Little Suzy, produces an abundance of golden-yellow, dark eyed daisies from summer...
Strawberry Shortcake Fool
For this cross between a tart, a trifle and a fool, the baked pastry is broken into shards and layered with the whipped cream and the strawberries in coupes. Extra pastry can be frozen in individual balls for later use or rolled out to make cookies. Serves Two Pate...
Photo credit: Elise Bauer Serves 4Chopped chives are a mandatory garnish for this delectable soup!6 to 8 leeks2 Tablespoons olive oil3 Medium potatoes, peeled, sliced thin4 Cups hot vegetable or chicken brothSalt & freshly ground black pepper2/3 Cup cream1...