Plant Life Designs
Plant Life Fresh Flower Fridays
Fresh Flower Friday arrangements are available every Friday morning starting at 7:00 a.m. in the Plant Life Designs roadside stand. This can be found at the entrance to Plant Life Designs on the east side of our driveway starting March 29th-September 27th.
Customer Appreciation Breakfast
Don’t miss out on our Fresh Flower Friday Customer Appreciation Breakfast on Friday, July 26 from 7 am to 11 am. Plant Life Designs appreciates you and we look forward to sharing some sweet treats and drinks with you!
Stop By Our Flower Roadstand!
Arrangements are $10 each, starting March 29th- September 27th. We operate on the honor system and accept only cash or check. Please place your money in the box in the flower stand. Check out our Facebook page or sign-up for our newsletter to see what we will have available each week!